Animal Reiki Course

Animal Reiki Certification Course

You can heal your animal companion too!


If you have been looking for answers on what you can do to help your animals, there is a strong probability that you will find the answers within Reiki.


And this is also about you. The first step is to learn how to work with your own self and heal yourself.


The power of Reiki is already within you. All you need to do is learn and practice how to awaken this latent wisdom.

You know Animal Reiki Certification is for you:

If your heart goes out every time you see an animal in distress and wish there was something you could do.

If you feel an unknown force pulling you into the path of healing.

If you are highly sensitive or an empath.

If you feel most at home in nature and with animals.

If you have been through a difficult initiation, which has perhaps prepared you for this.

When you join the course:

You will learn:

  • Traditional Reiki practices and how to use them in daily life.
  • How to uncover your authentic self.
  • The Reiki Precepts and how to use them in daily life.
  • Reiki hand-positions and how to offer a session.
  • How to share Reiki with Animals and how to be an animal magnet.
  • How to start your professional practice

You will receive:

  • Reiki Attunements for each level.
  • A beautifully designed handout to cherish.
  • Invitation to join a private Artemis Reiki group.
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho Certification on completion of assignments

Reiki Courses

I offer two different modes of learning Reiki – in-person classes and online classes

In-person Reiki Course

This is the Let Animals Lead© method of Animal Reiki which I learnt from the founder of this method, Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source.


Classes will be held over a weekend. Day long classes over Saturday and Sunday with sufficient breaks in between.


You will need to have an animal companion at home with whom you can explore the assignments.


Dates: This is an on-demand course and 1:1 training options are available.

Course Fees:
Level 1 – 15,000 INR
Level 2 – 20,000 INR
Level 3 – 35,000 INR

Online Reiki Course

4 week long immersive online classes.


Classes are held every week for about an hour with assignments and personal mentoring till the end of the program.


This is especially good if you want to learn at your pace or if you are looking for a Reiki refresher. This is traditional Usui Reiki and includes all species.


Dates: The next batch starts February 2023.


Course Fees:
Level 1 – 7,000 INR / 100 USD
Level 2 – 12,000 INR / 170 USD
Level 3 – 20,000 INR / 300 USD

Reconnect with your Inner Sacred Space of Healing and Wisdom.

I was introduced to Reiki 12 years back by my cat after his almost miraculous brush with Reiki. You can read more about my journey here.

I have seen Reiki work wonders with animals who are going through a physical or emotional crisis. It helps counter the initial distress and discomfort that comes with physical and emotional ailments. When I see a cat in despair, when I am waiting for an appointment with the vet or taking one of the cats to the vet, or when a client comes with a new cat or dog who needs to be integrated with the rest of the household and when they are nearing Rainbow Bridge – these are the moments when the compassionate healing power of Reiki can come to rescue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and is not dependent on one having any prior experience with healing, meditation or any other kind of training. It has been successfully learned by over one million people from all walks of life, both young and old. All that is needed is an openness.

In Usui Reiki, there are 3 levels.

In Level 1, the student learns about an introduction to Reiki, the lineage along with the 5 precepts. On completion the student will be able to use Reiki for personal healing and will also be able to offer Reiki to other animals and humans.

In Level 2, the student gets a turbo-charge and learns the Reiki symbols and their meanings. The student is then able to offer Reiki over distance sessions and also support another animal or human during an end-of-life transition.

In Level 3, training is provided to evolve into a Reiki teacher who can in turn teach others and carry the lineage forward.

The Reiki involved here is the same as the traditional Usui Reiki. The specialization of Animal Reiki involves the added wisdom of knowing how to work in partnership with the animals as the healing process and respect their unique sensitivities. In Animal Reiki, we let the animals teach us how to hold space for them as they heal themselves. This article explains the need for specializing in Animal Reiki vs traditional forms of Reiki.

Petworks Approved

Energy work is not a medical treatment. It is to be used as a complementary therapy and not as a substitute for medical care. My services neither diagnose nor prescribe under any circumstance.


Terms and Conditions


-What is Animal Reiki?

-How does Energy Healing help?

-Coping with Pet Loss

-How does distant healing work?

-And more…