Do It Yourself Animal Healing Practices

Animal Healing is not a mystical art. It is in reality a set of extraordinarily simple practices that anyone can follow along and benefit from.

In this page, you will find some simple practices. If you find yourself in a jam without the means to sign-up for professional animal healing services, try following along with any of these practices.

They may help you:

  • find some amount of immediate relief
  • get an introductory experience of what it’s about.

Animal Healing to Cope with Stress

This simple practice is designed to help you establish your grounding and helps you stay centered and present.

Often we get carried away by situations that we lose our sense of being and sense of being centered. It could be daily stress, or physical illnesses, emotional highs and lows, repeat thoughts and in some cases over-reliance on the spiritual realms.

The magic of Reiki and healing is however in the present moment. Animals are masters of mindfulness and if we sit with them and share space and time with them, they can teach us to be grounded and centered.

Finding Your Center - Helping Animals Cope with Stress

A short practice to help you find your centre and state of balance. You can listen to this recording and follow along with the instructions when you feel things are getting a bit too much, when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about any situation. You can also practice this for your beloved animal companion if they are feeling stressed or spooked out. This practice does not need any prior experience of Reiki or Energy Work.

A Gentle Approach to Comforting Animals during Fireworks

This outlines a simple and gentle approach that can help animals find comfort during fireworks.

The event was held a few days prior to Diwali, the fireworks season which can lead to anxiety and stress in pets.

If you happen to be in that group who struggle with their animal companions during this festival season, this simple approach might just help you and your furry friend get through the stress in relative ease.

You can read more in this article

And if you feel you still need more support, reach out for personalized services.

Or if you feel inspired and want to get trained and certified in Reiki, reach out to sign up for an Animal Reiki course.

Way of Artemis (c) 2022 – All rights reserved

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Indrani SARA Teacher
Indrani IARP

Energy work is not a medical treatment. It is to be used as a complementary therapy and not as a substitute for medical care. My services neither diagnose nor prescribe under any circumstance.

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